Research Interests

Current Areas of Study

We use colloidal particles as models for atoms and molecules and study their self-organization on a microscopic scale. The resulting structure depends on both interparticle interactions and particle dynamics. We can tune interparticle interactions to obtain different structures. Similarly, particle dynamics can allow or prevent equilibrium particle organization; thus, particles can be trapped in an out-of-equilibrium intermediate state. Some examples of such states are glasses and gels.

If particles have anisotropy, e.g., due to the distinct nature of the surface coating, non-spherical shape, or due to internal molecular organization, their interactions are also anisotropic. This results in richer phase behavior and a stronger similarity to their molecular counterparts. Thus, we are interested in experimental and theoretical descriptions of such colloidal dispersions so that this knowledge will allow for finer control of microscopic and macroscopic material properties.